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Doing a search in the TradeStation forums is easy. Simply type one or more search terms (the words or phrase that best describes the information you want to find) into the search box on the top navigation and click on the "Go" button. In response, TradeStation Forums produces a results page: a list of threads related to your search terms listed in chronological order.

Here are some basic tips to help you maximize the effectiveness of your search:

Choosing Search Terms

Choosing the right search terms is the key to finding the information you need. Start with the obvious - if you're looking for general information on EasyLangage, try EasyLanguage.

But it's often advisable to use multiple search terms; if you're looking for information on EasyLanguage and you want to learn more about the DLLs, you'll do better with EasyLanguage and DLLs. And EasyLanguage DLLs UpperCase may produce even better results if you are looking for more information on whether exported functions should be created using all uppercase letters.



TradeStation Forum Searches are NOT case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you type them, will be understood as lower case. For example, searches for tradestation, TradeStation, and Tradestation will all return the same results.


Automatic "and" queries

By default, TradeStation Forum Searches only returns topics that include all of your search terms. There is no need to include "and" between terms. Keep in mind that the order in which the terms are typed will affect the search results. To restrit a search further, just include more terms.


Phrase searches

Sometimes you'll only want results that include an exact phrase. In this case, simply put quotations marks around your search terms.


Negative Terms



Tip #1: Here's a quick way to find your posts or replies — Go to your profile and click "Find all non-archived posts by screen name".

Tip #2: You can use the above method as a quick way to search for topics that specific TradeStation Discussion Forum Members have contributed. Just go to the TradeStation Discussion Forum member's profile (select their screen name displayed with their message post) and click “Find all non-archived posts by screen name”.



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