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EasyLanguage Study Submission Policies and Guidelines:

You may only submit EasyLanguage code created and/or written by you personally, and which you are authorized to submit. By submitting code, you are representing and warranting to TradeStation Technologies that the author/creator/developer you have identified is accurate, and that you are fully authorized to publish all such code. You agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless TradeStation Securities and its affiliates from and against all consequences if any of the foregoing is not true.
You must submit unprotected code with complete text files. No locked or protected studies will be accepted.
Please format your EasyLanguage code in accordance with our syntax style standards.
Detailed "help" should accompany each submitted study, strategy, or file, along with any information needed to effectively use the study.
All code submitted becomes part of the public domain and is posted (or not posted) at the sole discretion of TradeStation Securities, Inc. You understand and agree that you have no right to be compensated for the publication or use of any code that you provide.
DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Exchange submissions can only be contributed by qualified members. The calling indicator(s) or strategies must accompany all DLL submissions. We also encourage you to submit the actual C++ project code. The entire DLL submission must be submitted as a ZIP file.
Requests for payment or donations is not permitted.
Messages for self promotion, or solicitation of any kind, are not permitted.
Posting of personal email or Web links is not permissible without prior written consent from TradeStation Technologies, Inc.
If you submit any code that does not belong to you, or the publication of which would constitute an infringement of any kind on the rights of others, or which is intended to be defamatory, abusive, offensive or otherwise improper, you agree to fully indemnify and hold harmless TradeStation Securities and its affiliates from and against any claims, losses, liabilities and expenses that result, and, without limiting any other rights or remedies TradeStation Securities may have against you, you will lose all privileges to participate in discussion forums.



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